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Coco Chanel: the only way is up

I have a few women who inspire me, but one story inspires me the most. It’s the story of Gabrielle Chanel, better known as Coco.

Photo: Lipnitzki/Roger Viollet/Getty Images

She is one of the biggest designers of all time and created one of the most important fashion brands until now. Apart from the designer, you could also see her as a feminist. She didn’t like the fact that women were supposed to only wear dresses and skirts. She was stubborn and didn’t listen to everyone who told her to stop. In fact that made her stronger and even more successful. She was a stubborn and strong woman, maybe one of the strongest women ever. I really admire her in every single way. But it wasn’t handed to her; no she had to fight for it.

After her mother died she ended up in an orphanage. Together with her sister she grew up there, badly treated by the nurses. When she 18 she started working as a sew stress. To earn some extra money she also sang in little café’s or cabarets. She eventually ended up in the fashion industry and never left it.

She knew a few tuff years; she had troubles building up a career. After a ruff start in the fashion industry she finally knew some success, first with her hats and later also with her couture. She became famous for her bags, jewellery and the iconic LBD. She made a statement for all the women and man because they finally started to realise that women are a force to be reckoned with.

Coco made me realise that it really doesn’t matter where you come from. As long as you push trough, you can be successful. Nowadays you often see how people get successful because of family, friends or money. Her story gives me some hope that it doesn’t always have to go like that. You should really make time to read or watch her biography. It’s inspiring and extremely motivating.

So are you a follower or not? That’s my question…


H, a critical follower with a big heart for Fashion, Food and Other Fantastic things

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