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  • TRENDmas


I can’t believe how time flies by, because we already stranded on the 9th day of TRENDmas. Today I choose to go for a non-fashion trend, nothing less than Instagram. This social platform has been booming for a few years now, but 2015 was a golden year.

I think it’s unnecessary to explain what Instagram is. It’s so simple and fun to use, you can’t really be against it. To me it’s a great source of inspiration and it gives you a more personal view in people’s life.

I love the food pictures on Instagram; they always make me hungry and inspire me to try something new in the kitchen. I have the same thing with all the beautiful pictures of fashion bloggers. They are always so creative with their outfits that I feel like Instagram is just an endless issue of VOGUE or ELLE.

I regret that there’s also a negative or idealistic side of Instagram. Bloggers, models or people working in fashion always seem to have the perfect life, with the perfect body. I think it can be quite depressing to some girls and make them want to have the same ‘perfect’ life. But maybe we have to realise that pictures stay pictures and that they are so easy to manipulate. Who knows what they did or how long it took to take that ‘perfect’ picture…

So do you follow this trend or not? Pleas let me know in the comments…

Lots of TRENDmas love

H, a critical Follower with a big passion for Fashion, Food and Other Fantastic things

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